The water around the world.
Importance of the water.
Water contamination.
Life without water.
Water preservation.
My thesis statement.
The water around the world.
Even though nowadays we are facing problems with water
around the world, people continue wasting it. Water is too important for life
because it is essential for humans and animals, now there is less water and
this affects the whole world.
We can make a change, we still have time, we are aware
about this situation. Now let`s start to conserve water, the vital liquid that
makes everything possible.
Importance of the water
This resource
is too important for many things as earth, plants, for everything, especially
for humans and animals.
The true is nothing
in the world can`t live without water.
Water contamination
We know the
problem that we are facing called “GLOBAL WARMING” and it is product of the
pollution. We have to make a stop, do not contaminate more! Think about this
knows that there are many factors contaminating this resource, for example:
We can see how factories contribute with pollution such as fishing
factories, oil wells, mining, nuclear factories and others
The fishing factories contaminate the water when they throw all the
residues to the rivers or seas.
The oils wells are a big problem when happens an accident in to the sea,
down the water when the tubes are broken and after weeks or months people fix
this problem. But while the oil spill takes more place and the animals are
dying, this is too sad when happens this situations.
The mining also contaminate when people use a big tubs for wash the
material and the chemicals that they use, even though there are many countries
where there are many mining and the people who lives near are sick to cause of
the mining.
The nuclear factories use chemicals to a highest toxic level, some
factories use the adequate security for the residues but sometimes there are
problems with chemical spill and no only affects the water also affects people
for the radioactivity killing everything, people could clean the spill but do
not the radioactivity.
Dam: people always try to solve the problems and they find a solution. For
example they want to produce energy and they find the solution in the water
with the dams but humans are using the nature for produce energy, they have to
use water especially the rivers because this water flows and the way that they
control the water for construct a dam is dangerous for the nature, humans and
animals. Start with the rivers dry up and they alter the watercourse. Here in
Panamá nowadays we fight with these problems because there are many dams in all
the country and now there are less water, even though the companies that are
constructing the dams here in Panamá they are going to produce energy to send
to another country. Imagine they construct here in our land and is not for us,
is for another country and what we get? Just sickness and problems with the water
even they got energy by us. That is why dams destruct rivers.
Deforestation: threes helps a lot the water especially in the forest.
I am going to explain you why.
Fresh water (no salt) is essential for life on Earth, and forests are
essential for the fresh water. Forests filter and clean the water, heavy rains
dampen otherwise erode soils, and held in place by the banks of rivers. In
turn, the water carries dissolved nutrients and distributes them across the
forest floor. Forests act as "sponges", able to collect and store
large amounts of rainwater. Forest soils absorb four times more rainwater than
soils covered by grasses, and 18 times more than the bare ground. With their
deep root systems, trees are able to extract water from deeper soil zones.
Water moves through the tree and is used in photosynthesis, in cooling, and
other growth processes. Evaporates as vapor from the leaves. In this cycle, the
trees are "water sources" who redistribute the liquid living:
moisture, which would be trapped in underground form it not for the trees, is
released through the leaves into the air, which then condenses into clouds and
falls again as rain. Without trees to distribute this water, the climate in
many regions would be much drier. This constant underground reservoir and water
is released slowly and gradually by trees, helping to prevent flooding and
seasonal droughts.
But deforestation is generally caused by human action, in which the surface
is destroyed forestall. Is directly caused by the action of man over nature,
mainly due to logging or fires burning by the timber industry and for the
acquisition of land for agriculture, mining and ranching. It does not affect
threes; it also affects animals and humans. After deforestation the floor to
the forest is not the same and it is a poor land. Also the time that takes a
forest deforested in be again a forest it takes about 70 years. So imagine
deforestation is an activity very dangerous. The things that humans cause with
deforestation in some minutes or hours, the forest takes years in recovered. Remember if we cut a three we have to plant
Live without water:
Does live without water?
The answer is simply no live in the world. Imagine no water for drink,
for animals, plants, threes, and land…
Could you imagine this? It will be a disaster. Nowadays in some
countries there are people who do not have enough water they just have the
necessary to survive just water to drink and nothing else.
In other country in some hotels they have a time for take a shower for
example 2 minutes for take a shower, so they control the water and people help
to do not waste it. Here in Panamá we even have water but do not enough because
we are seeing problems with lack of water in some places especially in rivers
by the dams. There are many people who does not appreciate the water and they
think that money has more value than the water. But someday the will know that
water has more value than many material things. There are people who say that
the next World War 3 will be for the water, because nowadays there are
countries fighting by oil and there will be a time when we will see people
fighting by water.
Water preservation: I think that we are on time to preserve this vital
liquid. We can promote the messages and convince people to see the reality that
we are facing today. Especially the new generation of children we have to teach
them to preserve the water, because they are the future. Also we can plant
threes and the authorities to our country can ask security measures for the
factories and the water that they contaminate they purify with a machine. Also
everybody even children can help do not wasted water and light. We have to care the water; we have to care our home.
We all together can make a better world!
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